Day 261 - A Year to Clear - Depressed or Deep Rest?

Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

Lesson 261: Depressed or Deep Rest?

One day a client oozed into my office, slumped into a chair, and said she was depressed—only she said it so slowly that I thought she said “deep rest.” In a way, this was accurate. Depression can be part of a general shutdown, meant to turn us toward healing. A tired body, a tired mind, a tired heart can’t—and shouldn’t—be passionate about anything but rest. So if you’re exhausted, care for yourself.
— Martha Beck

Today we are to take notice of something dragging us down and being aware of your own resistance. By acknowledging it, it starts to begin to release and then leads you towards rest within your being.

I can’t really think of something that was dragging me down today. I went to work and that was busy and fine, I then went to a meeting for my business logo and then I came home. Nothing really dragged me down and made me depressed. I think the only thing that has been on my mind lately is how to find time because I don’t seem to have enough of it. Everything in my life is going smoothly at the moment. Like I had a depressive state for a month or so, but I got myself out of it. I think the best thing I did for myself was being aware of it and taking steps to deal with it. I didn’t necessarily rest as this lesson suggests, but more so face what was causing my depression. This weekend I have a public holiday which means a longer weekend for me, so I intend to do not much on the Friday to rest a bit. Sometimes doing nothing is what’s needed to reset.

Are you resisting rest and allowing something to drag you down? Can you release it?

Day 161 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 23 - Leaning Into Resistance

Photo by Eduardo Dutra on Unsplash

Photo by Eduardo Dutra on Unsplash

Lesson 161: Check In WEEK 23 - Leaning Into Resistance

This week in the clearing course has opened us up to pain. I have very much dealt with my pain that has held me back for so many years and much like the title suggests “leaning into resistance”, it’s about being aware of it, dealing with it – even if it’s uncomfortable and then moving on from it. There is always a way to ease your pain. Definitely not saying that pain goes away overnight but it’s about understanding it and what you can learn. Everyone can move on from pain if they are open to moving forward. I know at times I’ve wallowed in my pain more times than I should have, but I now recognise that I don’t have to be that way and I am my own champion. I think when we can list what causes us our worries and problems, that can really help to address what we need to. Do what you need to do in order to let go.

Day 155 - A Year to Clear - Lean In

Photo by Hernan Sanchez on Unsplash

Lesson 155: Lean In

Take an interest in your pain and your fear. Move closer, lean in, get curious; even for a moment, experience the feelings without labels, beyond being good or bad. Welcome them. Invite them. Do anything that helps melt the resistance.
— Pema Chödrön

New week equals a new theme. This week’s is “Leaning Into Resistance”.

When I look at the quote, I feel like we will be looking at our emotions and feelings, facing them and then dealing with them from there. Because this is a clearing course, it would make sense, as we’re learning to let go of what goes on in our heads. To face pain and fear, leads us to get through those uncomfortable feelings and actually taking an approach that leads to an overall better life. If we can face those tough times, then we can overcome anything.

What do you think?