Day 161 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Raising Vibration in the Emotional Body...

Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

Lesson 161: Raising Vibration in the Emotional Body...

Not only do we need to raise the vibration in our physical body but also in the emotional. We can do this by establishing connection, through touch, in prayer, in meditation or spending time in nature. The raise in vibration in both the physical and emotional keeps us balanced. Today we are to think about our spiritual and physical practises and recognise if one is lacking. How can we balance this so both are equally at the forefront?

I know I have been focusing on my spirituality more than ever before in my life. I feel like it was important to focus on. I know that I do not consider my physical practises at a high level with my spirituality. I am solely focused on connecting with a path in which I can truly find myself and follow. This leaves not enough room to focus on health for my physical body. I sometimes feel like I don’t have enough time in the day to focus on physicality. If we are to be balanced, then I need to bring it up in order to feel good in both aspects. If anything, this is a wake-up call for me. I will spend more time thinking about how to integrate more love to my body rather than just the emotional.

I don’t think I’ve ever focused on my physical body so much either. It’s time to place more good practises in. How balanced are you spiritually and physically? Is there anything you need to change?

Day 161 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 23 - Leaning Into Resistance

Photo by Eduardo Dutra on Unsplash

Photo by Eduardo Dutra on Unsplash

Lesson 161: Check In WEEK 23 - Leaning Into Resistance

This week in the clearing course has opened us up to pain. I have very much dealt with my pain that has held me back for so many years and much like the title suggests “leaning into resistance”, it’s about being aware of it, dealing with it – even if it’s uncomfortable and then moving on from it. There is always a way to ease your pain. Definitely not saying that pain goes away overnight but it’s about understanding it and what you can learn. Everyone can move on from pain if they are open to moving forward. I know at times I’ve wallowed in my pain more times than I should have, but I now recognise that I don’t have to be that way and I am my own champion. I think when we can list what causes us our worries and problems, that can really help to address what we need to. Do what you need to do in order to let go.