Day 271 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Can Go So Far Out...

Photo by Peter Miranda on Unsplash

Lesson 271: You Can Go So Far Out...

….on our spiritual paths that we forget that we are physical human beings. We still need sleep and food. We bleed, we have emotions and feelings. Today is a focus on getting out of the spiritual practise for a moment and just remember the human being part of ourselves. We are to understand it fully today.

My Friday was spent at work and then with a friend and home painting. I didn’t spend any time on my spirituality and just did an activity that brought me joy. We ate nice food, talked, listened to music whilst painting. I understand that I need to work to support myself. I understand that not everything can be solved through spiritual means. I understand that I still feel emotions even when I do not want to. I know that sometimes I need distractions in order to relax. I know that this is all what being a human is.

We don’t need to practise our spirituality every day. Some days, we just need to be practical and logical. Sometimes you just need to cry and watch TV until you fall asleep. Sometimes you just need someone to make you laugh to forget your worries. Sometimes all you want to do is relax with music and no one else around. Sometimes going for a walk is the best medicine. I definitely think that spirituality can be a guide, though you still are a being in the physical sense that needs nourishment in other ways. If spirituality could sustain our physical body, then I would go all in. I find that spirituality is a tool to assist in our lives.

Day 209 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You May See People...

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Lesson 209: You May See People...

…. Who are uncomfortable in their bodies and those that aren’t. The body is just a container and does not reflect the being inside. Whether someone is fit or someone is plagued with disease, we don’t really know what’s going on internally. Today we are to consider what it means to have a beautiful body and what is considered not attractive.

I don’t really know what is attractive and unattractive these days. When I was growing up there was all this pressure to be skinny. As the years passed, the hourglass body figure became the latest craze, then it was ladies with large bums and then curvaceous women. If I followed suit to every body trend that came about, I would be all over the place. I feel like this leads to confidence and self-esteem issues, body dysmorphia and eating disorders.

I think what’s beautiful is when people are comfortable in themselves because they practise self-love and are confident – no matter what the body type. I just don’t think people should fit to any standard. The only body types I worry about are those that are obese because of the serious health ramifications that it can have. I’m all for body confidence but if there is a serious health risk, then I would want that person to consider their options that would allow them to be healthy again.

Sometimes I look at myself and wonder if I’m truly attractive. There are always those slight moments of self-doubt but I’m sure someone out there appreciates my body type and maybe I haven’t met them yet. I don’t obsess over my looks though. I just try and make myself happy in different ways.

So, what body types do you consider to be attractive and beautiful?

Day 160 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Raising Vibration in the Physical Body...

Photo by Atlas Green on Unsplash

Photo by Atlas Green on Unsplash

Lesson 160: Raising Vibration in the Physical Body...

We can raise our vibration of the body by having a good lifestyle including exercise, good sleep, food etc. Today we are to consider what habits we adopt for “optimum health” or do we not have this level of care? What are your feelings towards it your physical body?

I know that I don’t do enough for my physical body. I try and exercise where I can, get a good amount of sleep and take vitamins. The one thing I need to focus on is my eating habits. I think I could also do more to tone up my body but I’m taking small steps. With my back problems, I don’t want to overdo anything that just causes more pain. I walk and dance to keep up some form of exercise and I think that’s better than doing nothing, which by the way, was how I used to be. I am more aware and I do need to take more care of myself. Right now I am so busy, I don’t think I have time to think most of the time. I need to set a good schedule to abide by for my own healthy habits. There are more curves than I’d like and the only person that can change that is me. I think when I am free in July, it’ll be better for me then.