Day 96 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Look Into the Past

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lesson 96: Look Into the Past...

Today is about looking into the past. Was there someone or enemy you wanted to forgive but hadn’t? Can you hold compassion for them now instead? Was there someone that had forgiven you? Can you think about them holding compassion for you instead? If we start to look at these relationships in this way, we should see our energy change.

I think when I look upon past relationships I can apply compassion now. I think the way I got there was some inner reflection and coming to the conclusions that the way I was wronged doesn’t impact my life anymore. I think what I did get rid of was all he feelings attached to what I was feeling and I sped that process up with hypnotherapy. I have mentioned before that I was doing this at my own pace and it was really taking a lot of time so I chose the route of hypnotherapy as I wanted it done quickly as I had been holding onto things for years, and we’re talking over 10-20 years.

I think giving forgiveness can be taking back a power from someone who did have a hold over you for so many years. That’s how I felt about my father and other past relationships that really broke my confidence. I still feel like forgiveness and compassion go hand in hand. I am not convinced people can just apply compassion with no forgiveness when wrongdoing has been spanning over years or decades. I don’t think it’s that simple to just apply compassion. I think it’s about retraining the brain to think differently and then gaining some inner peace before getting to a stage of just compassion only. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a good practise and I am fully aware of what these lessons are trying to teach, but I don’t necessarily agree wholeheartedly.

I think I have definitely changed as a person by doing these lessons. I think I apply a lot more compassion than I ever have and ever thought I would. If anything, compassion wasn’t really a consideration until this part of the course so I am growing as a person. To me, forgiveness isn’t necessarily control over another – I think it can sometimes be a necessary act to move forward, a release if you will. I think if people held compassion towards me, then that’s a nice thought. I don’t do much these day to hurt others as I try to lead by example of the caring nature I want in myself and others, so if I have wronged someone in the past, I hope they can apply compassion towards me and forgive me if they need. I don’t see myself or anyone else holding power as I am trying to lead my life with pure love. I think all in all, I am expanding as a person in general and compassion was going to come about on my journey as part of my own development.