Day 105 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Some Days You Feel Good

Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

Lesson 105: Some Days You Feel Good...

We all have good and bad days. That goes without saying. We have the capability to raise our vibration in those moments when we can really get low. This can be done by using your breath. When people say take some deep breaths, it really has the power to increase our vibration. I think we really take for granted just how much power that has for us.

Today’s exercise is to hold your intentions with each breath. In through the nose with one deep breath, hold it, then release through the mouth. Do this as many times as you like. Think of something you want to achieve today and breathe that in with good intention. With each breath out, release any negative thought that you may have towards yourself and your intentions. I prefer to close my eyes when I do this, because as I open my eyes, I feel so refreshed.

I decided to release any negative thoughts involved with work and I want to move on from it. Some bullshit is going down and I have to remember that because I cannot control it, I shouldn’t let my anger to the situation get the best of me. I got to keep focusing on myself and realise if it’s not for me, to look for another job. It will work out. Breathing helps to calm me down and I feel lighter. That’s a good way to be.

How did you go?

Day 67 - A Year to Clear - Breathe Into Calm

Lesson 67: Breathe Into Calm

It’s not always a ringing phone that sends you into fight-or-flight. Maybe it’s the energy at work, or you walk into a room and find a bunch of clutter, or maybe confronting a friend with something difficult you need to speak to them about. Whatever it is, today’s lesson is about breathing into it and creating enough calm to be able to take on the issue. By taking a deep breath in, the next step will be come to you.

I tend to do this when I am losing focus at work. I close my eyes, take in a few deep breaths, be aware that the sun coming through the window is warm and just refocus on the task at hand. It’s very useful when I’m like “oh shit, I just forgot what I was just doing”. I also use this method when I am feeling a bit anxious. Just get those breaths in, bring awareness, and bring some warmth. Then just feel a relaxing calmness fill your body and go back to what you were doing. Sometimes I really feel like it’s a power lift or energy boost if you will. You can power on even if you feel tired and then just keep going. It’s amazing!

Keep those breaths up!

Day 64 - A Year to Clear - Breathe In, Breathe Out

Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

Lesson 64: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

New week equals a new theme. This week we have “Breathing in Calm”. This is such a good exercise. It’s usually something I do when I meditate – envision white light above me, I breathe in that beautiful white light and then exhale the black negative energy out. I feel like this is such a relaxing and calming activity. This quote is so true in achieving a calmer state. And more than usual, I always smile once I open my eyes from meditation. There is such a mellow feeling in the body after you do some simple breathing exercises. It’s great! You should definitely try it!