Your Oracle Message - Energy Signature

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Energy Signature - The past is in the present

For those that still working on a past event/trauma and it significantly impacts you in the present, you may be continuing to work through it and that's okay. It's a process and due to it still being in your present, you will keep on your healing journey for this particular situation.

This card may be for those that haven't begun facing those past events/trauma and learning from it. Whatever has a hold on you will continue to burden you in the present. You may be carrying it with every day, feeling its impact in your behaviour and energy. The universe is trying to let you know that now may be the time to start working on it so that it's not affecting you in the present.

This card is calling for an energy shift within you. Past events influence how we convey emotions and feelings to others. For example you may be very angry as a result and people know you to get mad, or you may get upset easily. This past event may have impacted you so much so, that the way you react to things from an emotional point of view can also impact those around you.

If you start to face these past events, you will see an energy shift within you. You will cope with things better and you might find any negative emotions you hold in your heart might start to dissipate. Your energy output will become more positive and people around you will notice the change. It's all towards being your best self and moving forward from those past events.

It's time for action and to grow. Work on what you need to to evolve into the person you're truly meant to be and know your energy will shift meaning you will feel better.

Your Oracle Message - Mindful Wisdom

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Mindful Wisdom - Create Inner Harmony

You are the only person that can create your own bliss. No one knows what your needs, wants and desires are. You may have to pause and go internally to find the answers you actually need. To achieve your peace and calm, you need to create your space and environment using your own mindful wisdom.

Can you be more mindful of what can distract you? Can you be more mindful of what makes you feel negative? Can you be more mindful of your immediate environment? Change may need to occur from you to create a loving, nurturing space. You can be more mindful in your day to day with your thoughts, emotions and feelings. Maybe a shift in your mindset needs to occur. There are all these small things we can be more mindful of to create the right space for ourselves.

See what is going through your mind daily. We can have so many thoughts rushing through our mind that can overwhelm and stress us out. Can you be more mindful of your thoughts? Is there something you can do to prevent it from happening next time? If we can be more aware of what flows through our minds, we can start to catch ourselves in those negative ways and start redirecting those thoughts towards a better thought process. If we can control that, it's a step towards inner harmony.

If you feel like you've slumped in recent times, from your own personal self care routines, this card may be a gentle reminder to refocus on these practices. No one can work on this for you. To create your inner harmony, you need to do activities that will help you get there. Some people like to meditate, practice a hobby, read on a new topic... Whatever it may be, cater your day to include time for yourself to bring balance and harmony into your life.

Your Oracle Message - Spiritual Evolution

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Spiritual Evolution - Set Your Heart Free

Are you on or about to start on your spiritual journey? It's time to expand your horizons

I interpret setting your heart free as opening your heart to the possibilities. The universe, spirit guides, ancestors, our creator... has been waiting to help you and it's always been there wanting to have a deeper connection with you. Not only can this expand our consciousness, but it opens our hearts to be more receiving to whatever comes our way.

By establishing or furthering our connection to a higher power, we start to understand our place in the universe and we have more assurance that things will be okay. We may have slumps from time to time with doubt and negative self speak, but when we focus ourselves through meditation, or establishing a connection to our energy (and what energy we put out there), what we receive when we deepen our thoughts and feelings to a higher power, there brings about a clarity to your life. There's no ifs and buts about what's going to happen and you start to find you have more certainty.

Having faith and trust in a higher power will help guide you on the right path. Everyone's journey will be different but at its core, it's about loving yourself, accepting love and spreading it. As well as this notion, you will find answers that are larger than yourself. You will learn how you fit into this large expansive universe.

When we accept this higher power into our hearts, we all have our own expansion and evolution. You may find people coming into your life that are on a similar journey as you deepen your connection to the universe. It's a beautiful journey and embrace all that comes your way on this spiritual path.

Your Oracle Message - Lead the Way

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Lead the Way - Light Your Own Path

The universe has been sending you messages and giving you opportunities to lead you into the right path. You may not have noticed, but start to be aware of what's happening in your immediate environment.

When you've received those messages, it's time to pause and have some self reflection to go pursue what it is you want out of life. Take the information and lead with it. Do you want to pursue that career? Do you want to try a new passion? Do you want to make that lifestyle change? Whatever it may be, it's the moment to start planning the steps to achieve your goals and dreams.

You hold the power to take the lead on your path. What can you do to succeed in it? Take your time soaking in knowledge to succeed in it. There is a vast amount of resources to learn from in order to operate at the best of your ability. Are there people that you can also learn from that have had similar paths? It's possible you find a mentor who has succeeded in what you are pursuing. Whatever you path is, it's about taking control and steering it in the direction for you. It's about having accountability and personal responsibility to ensure you succeed in the best way possible.

Now, there may be bumps in the road as not everything is flawless. It's okay to make mistakes! See this as a learning and growing opportunity. Don't focus on what negative things that could happen but focus on the path ahead and all the things you can work on in order to succeed. Achieve what you want out of life and be your own light illuminating your own path.

Your Oracle Message - Clear and Activate

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Clear and Activate - Create Sacred Space

Instantly I'm drawn to those that may be on a spiritual journey, though this can be for anyone as part of their personal journey.

Clearing can involve being rid of things that aren't serving you well - toxic habits, old patterns, old ways of thinking, cutting those that don't align with your morals and values..

We clear so we create a loving, nurturing space for ourselves. To activate is to awaken that sacred part of you and connect to a higher power. When we align ourselves to the universe, we send out our energy in order to receive. By doing this we generally have more direction, we are more sure of ourselves and we feel loved and nurtured by the universe.

Creating sacred space for yourself is making sure your immediate environment is a reflection of you. We do need to clear anything that doesn't serve us in the best way. We may have negative things occuring in our life or there are not so good people in our environment. These things or people can bring us down and become distractions in our life.

Do you drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes and realise you feel bad afterwards? It doesn't really make you feel healthy right? Is there someone in your life that's really negative and you wonder why you keep them around? Do you judge others and wonder why you do? There are so many distractions occurring and we have the power to clear ourselves of this bad energy. By clearing, we are another step closer to activating our true and best self.

Be aware of your immediate surroundings and align yourself to those that bring out the best in you, but also have good energy and intentions. When you create a space that is more loving and a reflection of you, you will feel good in it.

Your Oracle Message - Between Worlds

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Between Worlds - New Directions

Could this be a change of setting for you? From one to the next... A massive change is occurring. Our life is like a book with many chapters and you could be ending one soon.

What this card may be suggesting is that whatever path you're on, isn't where you're supposed to be. The universe has been sending you messages and opportunities to lead you in another direction that is beneficial to you. Examples can be a career change at work, maybe someone is offering a business idea you've always wanted to pursue, maybe it's time to write that book you've always wanted... Whatever it may be, this is the time for change and time for action.

You may have hesitancy as it's not familiar ground. The change will push you out of your comfort zones, and with any major change, you will feel uncomfortable. You don't know what's going to happen as it's not part of your routine, so doubt may prevail. But what if you went into it with the mindset of "this is new, exciting and the opportunities are endless". There are many good things that can come out of it. Thinking about it positively means you can have more anticipation of what the future holds.

When we go through change, it may be daunting but if you embrace it, think about all the benefits. You're heading in a new direction for a reason and the change in your path may be exactly what you need.

Your Oracle Message - Align Your Universe

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Align Your Universe - Navigate Distractions

We have a lot of distractions in our lives from social media, to binge watching tv shows and movies, from other people steering us off our paths, to toxic people who may make you think you're not good enough, to eating bad food and drink, doing drugs, as well as family and friends spreading their fear and judgement upon you for the decisions you're making.

You may not be fulfilling your purpose in your life because you have all these distractions. They can lead to bad habits, bad patterns and bad thought processes. So what is it that you can do to align your Universe? How do you align yourself to the true person you're supposed to be? This may take some deep self exploration and self reflection.

You may have gone off track a little bit too much, but this card may be a reinforcement to refocus. The universe is trying to let you know that there may be things in your life not serving you well and to cut those distractions out. This will allow you to pay attention to what you need to do towards living your best, authentic and truest life.

It may not happen in an instant. You may have to think deep. Are there things that distract to the point of procrastination? You'd rather do anything else but focus on the tasks that grow your dreams, goals, aspirations, passions and hobbies.

You may need to connect with a higher power, meditate or pray on it. You may need to get a goal tracker or vision board to assist you, so that you can hold yourself accountable and are pursuing what you want out of life. The most important step is having the awareness that change needs to occur and the change has to come from you.

Your Oracle Message - Divine Will

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Divine Will - let go of fear

Fear can be crippling. Fear in this instance, is in relation to the future. What are you afraid to let go of in order to make a clear path for yourself? Could you be blocking the potential of what you can achieve in your life? Are you going against the divine will?

Is it the fear of judgement? Is it the fear of the unknown? Is it the fear of failing? What if you could let go of that fear and dive straight in to what it is you want to pursue or achieve? What's the worst that could happen? Yes, you could fail or make a lot of mistakes along the way, or you might not succeed in it, but on the flip side of that, if you don't try you'll never know.

By having preconceived ideas of an outcome, it isn't really going to eventuate if you don't try. So, what's stopping you? What if we gave a chance to possibility? If mistakes are made and things might not seem like the right course of action, at least you can say you tried and learned from it. By making mistakes, we know what not to do, and this opens us to think of new answers on how to proceed on what we're pursuing.

Previous cards I've mentioned talk about trusting and having faith in a higher power. No matter what comes about in our path, in some way, shape or form, the universe has a divine plan for you. It may push you to a place that makes you uncomfortable but it's all part of your growth and experience. Whatever you have to go through, is exactly what it needs to be.

Take the chance and maybe do it in little steps towards what you want to achieve in life - whether it's career, your spiritual journey, passions, hobbies and goals. We get so caught up in negative self talk and mindsets that we sometimes don't even try. Give a dream a go and see where it takes you.

Your Oracle Message - Guardian

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Guardian - Guard your energy

You may be one that likes to help people but could you be overextending yourself? Could there be someone in your midsts that may be taking advantage of your energy? This can happen if you're a person who gives, gives and gives whilst there are people out there who like to take, take, take.

This card is letting you know to be more mindful of your environment as someone could be draining your energy and that's not a benefit to you. They could be continually taking from you and you may be left feeling like all your energy has been zapped.

Make sure the exchange you have with others is an even exchange. When someone is sucking all the energy from you, they are usually called energy vampires. You just need to be wary and protect your own energy. Be aware if someone is taking advantage of you.

It's always good to help others if we feel good in ourselves or maybe we have more energy than normal. Always take care of your energy first before helping those around you. It is always more than okay to focus on you as a priority before you lend a helping hand.

Your Oracle Message - Expansion

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Expansion - educate your mind and senses

This is your time to focus on your own personal evolution. How can you grow, learn, experience and gain knowledge to expand your heart and mind?

Sometimes we are so caught up in routine and what others have taught us, that we haven't ventured out to learn something new or experience for ourselves.

This message can also be for those healing from a past event or trauma - by moving forward to be in a more expansive place as an individual.

This is also reminding us to educate our mind and senses. As a simplistic example, if you want the same foods every day, you're not really expanding your senses in different ways. Could you be more mindful when it comes to your senses? What if you tried something new from a different culture?This could expand your sense or smell and taste, but as you're trying something new, you get to experience a piece of that culture.

Our education comes from our own personal want to learn more about things we don't know. Teachers, friends and family have taught us along the way of what they know, but as we grow older, we learn about matters that are closer aligned to our personality, morals and values. We may break away from what we've been taught as part of our personal expansion.

We can do this in small steps, to keep adding and consuming information that is going to add value to you. What you gain is only for you and not for others. Open your mind to the possibilities. Start a new hobby, learn a new skill or say yes to a new experience. It all adds up to your own evolution.