Your Oracle Message - Self-care

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Sometimes we need a reminder to focus on ourselves, making sure we're doing activities that feed and nourish our soul.

We all get busy in life and we've got our routines, though this can mean self-care is placed on the back burner or not placed as a priority. If we're not doing things that make us feel good inside, then we're not truly looking after ourselves from a mental or emotional level.

Whatever self-care practices we have, they are are there for us to have a moment of peace, calm and relaxation. We might have been neglecting this in recent times and this card is letting you know to take notice. We may have been feeling a little more stressed, worried, overwhelmed or anxious, so in order to break that up, we need to do an activity that'll bring us warm fuzzies inside.

We can gain so much by implementing self-care. We can have clarity to answers we've been seeking, it can help clear all the mental noise and madness in our minds or it can help us reset in order to refocus. By practicing self-care, it allows us to operate on a better level whether emotionally, mentally or physically. We don't want to overstretch ourselves and when we focus on ourselves, it gives us time to recalibrate and rebalance.

So don't neglect what care you may need to give to yourself and make this part of your routine. You will feel better for it.