Coolest Find of the Month - August

So, for those of you that follow my Facebook page, I posted this a few days ago and thought it was pretty cool.

It's not going to be in everyone's taste but it was unique and it's out there so I might as well share it!


It is a scarf and hoodie to become a Scoodie! Makes sense right?!?

I actually like the idea because when you have a jacket that doesn't have a hoodie and you want to also wear a scarf but don't have any head cover, then this would be perfect! And I know what you're going to say - wear a beanie! Yes, sure I can but this is way more fun!

They range in price from $29 -$34 and ships internationally.

They come in women's, men's and kids.

You need not worry about size as they come in Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. So no matter the head size, there is surely one to fit.

So what do you think? Yay or Nay?

I say Yay because I am one of those people that would wear it :)