Sacred Power Reading Cards - Soul Journey

Sacred Power Reading Cards Soul Journey

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Soul Journey

My Interpretation of the Card

We are all sent to this earth with a particular soul mission. Some are awakened to find out what their journey is. Some are not and live just a regular human life. This card appears today to tell you to connect to the Divine to find out what your soul mission and journey is. It’s about finding your truth. You are to do so much more on this earth to spread light and love. You have a higher purpose and it’s about truly considering this in your every day life. You are being called upon to join in the massive healing that needs to take place on this earth. Don’t be afraid as you will always be guided. This is an opportunity to be open to your true path. You have the power within you to accomplish it.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

From the moment you chose to return to earth in this incarnation, you decided to be a conscious creator of your life’s journey. Your story is kept in the Akashic temples and can be accesses any time. The Akashic temples holds the records of each of your soul’s journey, energetically in the astral plane. Every human process we experienced is recorded from deaths, births, events and is all the information is protected by your guardians. Right now, you are experiencing a life lesson. It is important that you become mindful of your experiences, acknowledging decisions and actions that have led you to this moment. Ask yourself what you can learn in this moment? How can I improve my souls’ connection to my higher purpose? What can I do to support humanity? You may not be able to see the way out of your circumstances right now, though you will be shown the reason for these events in your life. You will resolve old patterns and past issues and start to learn from experience. Create a beautiful life with new perspectives. The choice is yours. Where do you want to go from here?

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I thought this card might be about the Akashic records but then not everyone knows what this is. I can see how my explanation definitely does revolve around the Akashic records, though I didn’t want to necessarily mention it. I just think the Divine has a plan for us and that it will be fed to us in due time. It’s not always something that people visit – some people just rely on their guides and angels to help them in their lives. I think some people don’t even visit their Akashic records and go off intuition in their lives. I think this is why I thought that people can find their soul mission without having to visit them.

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