Sacred Power Reading Cards - Self-Love

Sacred Power Reading Cards Self-Love

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Self-Love

My Interpretation of the Card

Your inner being is crying out for you to place yourself first. You need to dedicate some time to honour and look after your mind, body and spirit. You have been doing so much for others that you have forgotten about the most important person – YOU! Go within yourself and answer the question of what your mind, body and soul need. There is much focus needed on answering the question of your needs. You will find that once you take some time out for self-care, that you will start to see positive change in your life.

I totally saw the words “Self-Care” and didn’t realise… I will now change my tune for “Self-Love”…

In order for you to radiate your heart energy of love, you need to start with self. If you do not accept the loving features of self, then this will not allow you to be fully open to love to be received nor believe that you are deserving of love. We are all made perfect in our own ways – flaws and all. It’s time to accept all the small and large parts of yourself – no matter how upsetting, annoying, disruptive they may be. It’s okay that we make mistakes and we aren’t always at our best – we are after all, only human. It’s time to honour and nurture yourself and be kind to yourself. The way you treat and love others, is how you need to treat yourself. In order for you to spread your love energy, it must start with you accepting all parts of you. Tell yourself all the things you love about you. You are a beautiful being and when your time comes, you will accept yourself and be able to be open to the love that comes your way.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

Your inner child is an aspect of the self, reminiscent of all that you have learnt and experienced. You inner child long to be in a state of joy, but also requires nurturing, attention and constant reassurance. Your inner child feels these extremes of emotion because they lack understanding of why particular circumstances have occurred. You can shift long standing emotional patterns by working with your inner self, resolve problems, trauma and issues that you have found challenging. To create a symbiotic relationship, you and your inner child must work in agreement, acceptance and surety. Acknowledge your wounds and shift your mindset. Self-love is essential. You might find you act in childish ways of tantrums, manipulation and rebellion in an attempt to get what you want. You may grieve of the past, but overcoming the confusion or overwhelm of that time that will help you to work through it and address those behaviours.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

The card was completely different to what I thought it would be about. Of course, I could see the inner child in the picture, but it was speaking out to me. I think I saw it as an extension of self and the need for care and love, rather than it being about working through inner child issues. There is definitely the element of listening to what your inner self is saying, but I didn’t get the inner child vibe.

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