Sacred Power Reading Cards - Transformation

Sacred Power Reading Cards Transformation

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Transformation

My Interpretation of the Card

This is a period of growth for you. Just like the phoenix, you are in a phase of shedding off the old in order to come out on the other side, the true you. It’s about shedding what holds you back and that can be old patterns, habits, people, career, relationships and mindsets. Now, this may not happen overnight. This may take stages and that’s okay. It’s about being open to change and allowing that change in. You don’t need to take drastic steps, but know that you are undergoing a transformation that is at your own pace. This is a discovery stage and it’s about your exploration to find your truth in your spiritual path. If you want to read a book on your life path, then do that. If you want to join a circle that has spiritual discussion, then do that. If you don’t know where to start, ask the Divine to lead you. There are no limitations to your growth, and this is your time to soar. Soar into the life you want to lead.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

The phoenix transforms into new life after experiencing the end of an earth cycle. Now is a time for rebirth and rejuvenation. You have come so far in your journey and it’s time to end a cycle. Within your trauma, you have reached a precipice, where new life is forming. The phoenix is here to remind you to leave the baggage behind, let go of the past and move forward. During this transformative process, you will emerge with confidence, strength and direction. If you are currently experiencing hardship, know that the hard times are almost over and a new life is on the horizon. If you are in a relationship, the phoenix is encouraging self-confidence, independence and mutual understanding with your partner. This change represents the formation of a new relationship including the relationship you have with self. The phoenix requests you assess your daily rituals and habits. Are they serving you well? Do you need to release them? You will rise above it, from the ashes, more powerful, stronger and energised by walking away.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I was on the right path. It’s about growth and letting go. Empower yourself!


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