Energy Oracle Cards - Caring Connections


Caring Connections

My Interpretation of the Card


This card indicates a potential new lover coming soon or connections enhanced from existing relationships or new relationships. You have a good support network and they have all the time in the world for you. There is a whole world out there ready and wanting to love you. Be open to receive those who want to be part of your life and help you along the way. There is much to be grateful for in these connections that will add value to your journey. Blossoming relationships grow in strength and there is much love to be gained from them.


This card in reverse indicates missed opportunities from the relationships around you. Have you rejected someone that offered you assistance? Would your life be any worse by not accepting this person’s help? You seem to be a bit closed off when there are people out there wanting to help. Don’t ever feel like you aren’t loved. People are willing to assist you if you seek them. Don’t be afraid to accept their guidance and support. If a relationship has broken down, is it valuable enough for you to repair? Don’t ever feel like you are alone nor do you need to tackle on situations by yourself. Seek guidance from spirit if needed to gain insight on the relationships that will benefit you.


Guidebook meaning - Summarised

 Friendship, Partnership of Two, Possible Love


This card signals the beginning or deepening of a relationship, whether it be friendship or new love interest. It can also indicate a partnership in business. Look out for these opportunities and forge the new or deeper bonds with these people. These connections may present a purpose or become intimate at the time. This card depicts a union between two people and usually such a caring connection will manifest in this way. Whoever this person is, be open to what builds between the two of you.


This card reveals a break down in two people or communication in your relationships. Whether it is friendships, business or romantic, it is showing that this relationship may be close to an end or already ending. Please be mindful of the lessons and then take on the appriopriate action to move forward. It is fine to deal with the emotions attached with this relationship but it means brighter things to come from this ending and into a new beginning.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 


Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I thought I nailed the upright card. Didn't think about caring connections coming to an end on the reverse meaning. The picture looked like the lady was being comforted so I felt like the reverse would mean a rejection of that comfort. This clearly was new or deepening relationships versus the ending of them.


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