Day 63 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 9 - Inserting Awareness

Photo by Jony Ariadi on Unsplash

Photo by Jony Ariadi on Unsplash

Lesson 63: Check In WEEK 9 - Inserting Awareness

Our focus this week was to release the stressful build-up in our lives; to practice inserting pure compassionate awareness into the tight spots and jiggling loose what’s there — like an human acupuncture needle.
Were you aware of any shifts in energy this week? Do you notice a difference when you let go of attachment to the outcome and surrender to what is?
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

So, looking back on the past week, I was very tired. This was very much so due to some mediumship course I am doing with a power shift occurring. I don’t think I really focused on clearing with awareness as much as I should have, but I definitely did this when we went through this same theme in week 2.

I recognise my feelings when I’m feeling myself tense up over a situation. I do let the feelings arise and then remind myself to not let it consume me. I really just breathe through it. Breathing is such a powerful tool when controlled. I think with the clearing exercises I have undertaken, I know that it will take time. Since this course is very much a slow drip method, it’s all about slow releases to one day, have all the tools to approach all things in life with these methods. I am very much building myself up for a better version of myself.

Day 63 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Awakening Into the Awareness of Pain

Lesson 63: The awakening into the awareness of pain...

Lesson 63: The awakening into the awareness of pain is like a numb person becoming conscious. This opening is similar to a sliver of light finding its way through the many wrappings of the heart: the outer cocoon of the body, the emotional armor we all put up, the actual physical heart, and finally into the inner heart: the heart of hearts.
— Sara Wiseman

Today’s lesson is all about taking some time to open our hearts. We are to work through these layers and all the armour. We are to hold the pain, feel it and release it. This is the start of our transformation.

I very much undertook this exercise via meditation. I called in spirit to guide me to peel through the four layers and get to my heart’s heart. I was envisioning white cleansing light showering over me whilst also filling up my heart. I decided to work on the emotions tied to my ex. There is very much frustration developed from the hurt he caused me. I held onto this feeling and imagined it exiting my body as a black smoke into the sun. I released it out for the sun to absorb because I feel the sun can absorb anything and still burn on. During this meditation, I saw a butterfly, which to me signifies new beginnings, and then me riding a white horse after all this release. It looked like me being ready to be in charge. I liked the way I looked upon that horse – freer, stronger, a leader.

This exercise can be done with anything that is needed for release. We know what’s causing our pain and all we need to do is recognise it, take a moment (or several moments) with it, and release with compassion. Everything to me is a lesson and we can only grow further than we have imagined.