Day 284 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Entities, Including the Departed...

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Lesson 284: Entities, Including the Departed...

…are easily accessible as they are able to pass in and out of the “veil” of this world and the other. There is no separation between all beings of the Universe as everything is interconnected. Today we are to think about whether or not loved ones crossed over trying to communicate with us would bother you. If they did, would it change how you view death? If you don’t want to be contacted, then why not?

I personally see my father’s parents from the other side. I cross pass the veil to see them. Not only them but an ancestor who is teaching me about my people from another time. I don’t know why I was interested in witchcraft, but I have more blood rooted in paganism than I know! I communicate with other people’s loved ones crossed over too. The other day I did a reading for a lady who wanted to connect with her grandma. It was really touching to be able to feed information that I wouldn’t have known and be a bridge for others.

I used to have a fear of what happened to us when we died. Didn’t have a fear of dying but had a fear of what happens to us. I used to think – did we cease to exist? Would I go to heaven or hell? What if I’m all alone in a blank space? Since I’ve been on my spiritual path, I now know that there is another side and a lot of other sides if I’m going to be honest. If I can speak to my family on the other side, then it means there is another place. If I can speak to other people’s loved ones on the other side, then it has to exist. I don’t fear death and what happens to us anymore and that is so profound. It’s about having this faith and trust beyond measure.

How do you feel about death and what happens to us?

Day 284 - A Year to Clear - Let. It. Go.

Photo by Austin Pacheco on Unsplash

Lesson 284: Let. It. Go.

Today we are to breathe in the words “Let. It. Go” and how this can have so much impact to our day and clearing practise. Think about something you can let go right now. It can be an item or thought. Just “Let. It. Go”.

As I breathed into these words, I realised that I was holding anger for my building manager. I have some water damage that isn’t going to fix itself. It was a week ago when I asked to have an inspection, the building manager said she would get it organised and I had heard nothing since. I rang the building maintenance company to confirm if they had received a request and there was nothing. I rang the body corporate to speak with her and left a message. I sent an email to follow up also. It’s a constant follow up and I don’t know when I’m going to get a response. Considering I want to eventually move out, I would love to get this rolling so I can sell and move to a place I feel more comfortable in.

I released my anger towards this situation. I told myself it will get fixed. I told myself that it will work out. And, if it takes time, all I’ve got to do is continually follow up. I have put it out into the world, so all that can happen is for it to move forward.

What is one thing you let go of today? I realise that my issue is such first world problems, but it was the immediate angry thought I had just before this post and there’s no need for it! It is such a first world problem!