Day 191 - A Year to Clear - Being With Imperfection

Photo by Fischer Twins on Unsplash

Photo by Fischer Twins on Unsplash

Lesson 191: Being With Imperfection

It’s important to note that we all have both negative and positive thoughts as well as traits. Traits are tricky because it’s really based on perception – in my opinion. We have high emotional days and next minute it can be low. I wouldn’t say we are always in happy states all the time. Today we are to be with our imperfections. To me, this means taking on those not so good thoughts and understanding that they don’t necessarily make us the person we are.

So today, I had some shitty things happen at work. My imperfect thoughts were that of anger and I felt like management could do a better job essentially. Thoughts circulated around like “gawd some of these decisions suck” “why do I work here?” “who makes these decisions?” “they don’t really care about us”… it goes on and on. At the time, I didn’t really think in a spacious way. This whole course always talks about facing the weather that comes, but applying awareness as to why you have that thought, and how you can turn it around. Let’s just say I did not apply awareness at all. I just wanted to be angry. The point is, we aren’t always going to be perfect…. And that’s okay! It’s this acceptance we need to make about ourselves that we have imperfections and to not be so hard on ourselves. We all make mistakes and it’s about learning. My lesson today was that sure I was angry, but was there another response I could have taken? I definitely could have taken a better approach and I’m aware of that. I can learn from this situation.

What was an imperfect action you had today?

Day 191 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Group Thought Can Be a Means of...

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Lesson 191: Group Thought Can Be a Means of...

In a group setting, the collective can either raise or lower the vibrational energy. Today we are to look at electronica creating cult mentality and that can be a dangerous thing. This is about knowing yourself.

I think with anything in life, there is always someone that has a thought, they lead with that thought and then they spread that thought. That one thought can effectively influence a few people to begin with, then a group, then possibly a mass following. That’s how religion starts, protests start, political thoughts start, governments start… pretty much anything and everything. We all believe in something that was previously enacted by someone else whether it be a one thousand year old notion or a new thought. Sometimes, we even have our own thoughts that influence other people, creates discussion and could spread like wildfire – which is how most things go viral online.

Going back to the lesson, that cult thought is a fabric of the Western world. We can very much get lost in it but it can also guide us in life. I’m not saying it’s a good or bad thing really. We all can both follow as well as lead. Sometimes we follow a mass following to some new music artist that’s hot right now, and other times, we seek out that unknown voice because we’re sick of being inundated with the same influences.

I think the point of the lesson is, don’t get caught up in just mass thought. Remember what you like and how you think. Don’t conform just because everyone else does – not saying that’s wrong in any way. I think it’s about remembering that you have your own mind and voice and you don’t always have to go by the masses. It’s okay to have a differing opinion. It’s okay to voice that opinion even when no one else agrees with you. You can simply be your own person.