Day 314 - A Year to Clear - Forgiveness Frees

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

Lesson 314: Forgiveness Frees

The universe will deal with that person’s Karma. You don’t have to worry that if you ‘forgive them’ that they’re going to somehow live a deserved wonderful life. . .It is not just to make their day better, it is to free you.
— Marianne Williamson

Today we are to consider this quote.

For me it has powerful impact. It’s about surrendering to the Universe and let it do its thing. Forgiveness is about letting go of the outcome. It’s about knowing that no matter what happens with you or someone you are forgiving, that it doesn’t matter as you are not allowing it to have hold on your life any longer. It’s about changing your narrative. Your life continues just the way it is without having the set back of looming thoughts about a situation that clouds your mind. If it doesn’t impact your life, then a question you have to ask yourself is “why not let it go?”. I think everyone is strong enough to let go and control the freedom they can create in their life. We are the makers of our own story. Why live your life bound by something that can hold you back? When you can free yourself and another from upsetting situations or emotions. There would be nothing holding you back when you surrender in this way.