Day 263 - A Year to Clear - Reflections on Rest

Lesson 263: Reflections on Rest

Based on the meditation that was done from the previous lesson, today is about reflecting on the repeated phrases of “I rest in stillness. I rest in awareness. I rest” and filling out these statements:

  • When I am truly and deeply rested, I feel______

  • What gets in the way of my getting deep rest is______

  • What I can do to cultivate more rest in my life (starting today)______



My answers:

  • When I am truly and deeply rested, I feel rejuvenated and energised.

  • What gets in the way of my getting deep rest is a hectic schedule.

  • What I can do to cultivate more rest in my life (starting today) is saving days for just rest for self and not making commitments for others if I am in need of deep rest.