Day 200 - A Year to Clear - AUDIO Meditation - Accept

Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash

Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash

Lesson 200: AUDIO Meditation - Accept

Today is about following a meditation or if you can’t access the audio meditate on the following 4 phrases:

  • I am here
  • I am now
  • I accept
  • I allow

Really take in some deep breaths and breathe in these phrases for as long as you need on each one. Be in a quiet room and just let our mind clear on each breath. Notice your feelings and emotions, notice your space, notice if you feel differently. What you want to achieve is how each of these phrases radiate out into your body, soul and mind.

I personally felt like it brought on a calmness. That I could go into nothingness whilst believing each phrase and accepting each one. I was at peace in those moments. I liked the feeling of nothing bad impacting me. Just a letting go and being free in nothingness. There isn’t really much more to explain except that it was freeing.

How did you go with the meditation?