Day 17 - A Year to Clear - A-Wear-ness Process

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lesson 17: A-Wear-ness Process

Today is about taking one item of clothing from your closet that you don’t currently use, or it doesn’t look or feel good to wear. We are to reflect on the feeling that item brings us to feel any sense of needing to get rid of it or still have the urge to hold onto it. I’m not necessarily meant to get rid of the item but note the feelings that come as to why I hold on. The idea is to “notice the thoughts and feelings that are keeping you from letting it go.”

I have these red Mary Jane shoes with a slight heel. I haven’t worn them in a while but I do enjoy them. They are cute and go with the outfits I have that involve red. They are one of the very few red pair of shoes that I have but the last time I wore them, they gave me blisters. Never gave me blisters before though I believe because I put on weight, they didn’t fit like they used to. The reason why I keep them is mainly because they go with my outfits not necessarily for practical reasons. Most of the time, I have felt good in them so I don’t see why I should get rid of them unless they fall apart. In this instance, I have nothing but good thoughts about these shoes.

Upon reflecting on that experience, I’m not sure that I released any stuck energy. If that was the point, I didn’t feel it. This simple process taught by going through items one by one, I can easily release a lot more that I hold. Just because this particular item didn’t see me release, I can see the effectiveness of this method of clearing items - that it did serve a purpose some time ago but may no longer serve me now. I can see by adopting this practise how it can flow into other aspects in my life. If anything does not bring me joy, why am I holding onto it?