Day 116 - A Year to Clear - Liquid Memory Aid

Photo by Imani on Unsplash

Photo by Imani on Unsplash

Lesson 116: Liquid Memory Aid

Have a moment to reflect as you’re observing a tap running with water going into the drain. Whether it’s your sink, shower, laundry… just remember to “Stop. Breathe. Let go.”

I highly recommend that this be practised every day. I don’t believe it’s an instant fix but one that progresses with time. I always believe that taking some time to just breathe is so helpful in distressing. This just includes water in the exercise because we learned about fluidity last week and our worries, clutter, life should be a fluid turn of events with a natural flow. When you do start getting overwhelmed or bogged down, just stop to take some deep breaths, think of how fluid things can be and go from there. We can let go with practise.